Volume 29, No.4,July/August 2013
HIGHLIGHTS of this issue include the second instalment of Lance Krieg's detailed discourse on WWI model finishes in over six densely-illustrated pages;Rara Avis describes the Royal Aircraft Factory SE4a biplanes with photos and 1:72/1:48 scale plans of both versions; there's a great centrespread of American SE5a and SE5E fighter colour profiles revealing several exotic finishes for these famous types,whilst an extended 'Transfer List exclusively assesses expansive new ranges of German 'lozenge'decals that are setting the WWI model world alight. Elsewhere we preview Hasegawa's new 1:16 scale uncovered Sopwith Camel kit,plus there are pages of kit, book and accessory reviews, including more coverage of the latest model pilot figures in our new column. Figuratively Speaking....