NEW! FOKKER F.I/DR.I Model Special by Ray Rimell/ Richard Alexander


Volume 29-2013

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THE first Windsock for the year carries a great variety of top reference and modelling features.Hannover wing sweep*Sopwith Triplane profiles*FK12 plans feature *Harry Woodman remembered*Lance 's Modelling Master Class on added detail plus more!
THE March/April edition contains exclusive Sopwith Snipe profiles and close-ups, plus German Rolands in US and Russian colours.
An excellent and diverse number of topics in this issue, our third number of the year-Short 184 colour spread,WWI flight sim,modelling master class,1:24 scale LVG C.VI are among the highlights...
THE fourth issue of the year contains some great material-with scale plans of the SE4A, some exotic centrespread profiles,extended Transfer List' and a special preview of the new Hasegawa Camel!
Concluding Lance Krieg's great series, plus Aviatik Triplane plans feature, SE5a colour profile spread and an amazing Ninak model in 1:32!
Last of the bi-monthly issues initiates a new series-100 Great Warplanes;Wingnut Eindeckers, LVG C.VI airworthy reproduction ,plus a few other surprises!