Datafiles 80 to 99
The classic flying boat designed by the Austro-Hungarians and cloned by Italy; two warring powers build the same design and use it against each other! Gregory Alegi relates the whole amazing history... Over 100 photos plus drawings.
Designed by Swiss engineer Franz Schnieder , the LVG B.I was the most successful of the early war German two-seat reconnaissance biplnes. Peter M Grosz has the full story with over 90 rare photos. Includes six pages of scale plans.
The late/post war Nieuport fighter is covered with over 70 monotone images and ten colour close-up photos of the sole survivor in France. Includes hyper- accurate drawings by Doug Carrick.
The twin-engined version of the G.3 is covered with 1:48 and 1:72 scale plans, six pages of close-up airframe details in full colour and 70 wartime images. Another classic reference package!
The best -known giant R-Plane of WWI, the enormous four-engined Staaken R.VI took part in a number of successful bombing raids on England in 1918. Full details, accurate 1:72 scale drawings, lots of excellent archive photos and detailed colour notes with extra colour illustrations!
The classic French 'lattice-tail' is covered with dozens of close-up detail photos in colour and monotone together with six pages of detailed 1:48 and 1:72 drawings of the major variants.Includes three colour side views and semi-planforms.
The classic WWI two seater is covered by expert Peter M Grosz with six pages of detailed GAs in 1:48 and 1:72.Just the perfect reference for the Wingnut Wings kit released inDecember 20161Poland and Sweden.
This Eindecker monograph contains, at last, the true story of Germany's synchronised gun development in the formative years of true aerial combat. With detailed scale plans and over 70 photos
Over 70 rare photos and contemporary sketches offer a truly unique and informed documentary of this pioneer torpedo strike aeroplane.Includes five pages of scale plans and three colour profiles.
Our first R-plane profile details the amazing Siemens Schuckert R.I giant bomber and derivatives. With over 80 rare photos plus eight pages of scale drawings by the author..
Highly detailed coverage of the popular Italian WWI and post war Ballila fighter by Gregory Alegi with 109 rare photos and three view drawings.Includes three rear cover colour profiles- the ultimate modelling reference! for builders of 1:48 Techmod and 1:32 scale Aviattic kits! DATAFILE No.88 remains one of our most popular WWI fighter monographs and stocks are now heavily depleted...
Peter M Grosz covers the classic Albatros B.I two-seater, the first in a very long line of successful reconnaissance aeroplane types to emerge from the famous German manufacturer during WWI.
The famous British seaplane torpedo carrier and spotter is brought back to life by Jack Bruce in this bumper edition with extra pages and many detail close-up photos! Another classic Datafile for your collection!
At last, the true history of the sleek Albatros C.V two-seater of WWI is presented in this masterly monograph by distinguished aero-historian Peter M Grosz.
Complementing the original DATAFILE No. 34,now sold out, this second volume concentrates on single seat versions of the famous Strutter with over 75 archive images and high quality scale drawings .