The second in the two-part study by Greg Van Wyngarden of the classic WWI German fighter resumes where the previous volume -DF173- ended. With over 85 archive photos-many previously unpublished-this image laden 32 pager provides yet more unique coverage of these attractive and popular types with many pictorial firsts! Mick Davis contributes the centrespread which features full structural views of wings, tailplane and fuselage-plus cross sections-in 1:32 scale to aid those modelling the Wingnut Wings kit. On other pages Ronny Bar rises to the occasion once again with extra colour profiles in his own inmitable style to showcase yet more colourful Jasta examples for modellers to savour. Detailed close-up images are also to be found among the unioque photo content and the front cover painting by Roberto Zanella is one of the most striking ever to appear in the long-running Datafile series.