99. Lohner T.I/Macchi L.I
THIS extraordinary single-engine flying boat was designed and built by Austria-Hungary during 1914 and eagerly placed into production the following year by its Italian adversary! Gregory Alegi has the whole incredible story and backs it all up with over 100 fascinating wartime photos;six of these in full colour showing an original specimen and powerplant. George Haddow supplies eight pages of 1:48 and 1:72 scale drawings illustrating the Lohner Type T and Te variants with scrap views of series differences.These graceful and successful flying boat designs served their opposing air arms well and on more than one occasion met each other over the Adriatic front as portrayed on this book's stunning cover painting.Bob Pearson contributes the three rear cover colour profiles depicting typiocal Lohner and Macchi-built examples.