One Roden kit 60I Fokker DR.I triplane in controversial MvR markings! This comes with a really generous number of purchased after-market materials left over from our two Fokker Anthology volumes including:resin cowling and aileron parts; various decals; masks: PE detail sets and additional Meng parts to replace a number of the Roden kit pieces; eight page set of 1:32 scale detail drawings-plus MANY surprise extras including: *Aviattic conversion set for creating a replica Fokker Triplane flown in THE BLUE MAX movie with resin cowlings,Siemens engine,etc., plus full airframe decals for Willy von Klugermann.
*Ex-review sample and free of charge! This unique combination is only available here!
An original 1:32 scale Roden Fokker DR.I (with all parts'bags still sealed but decals incomplete,used instructions and a damaged box end) but which includes a really generous amount of relevant extras-some used,most are not.Among the extras included in this unique package are:
*Spare Meng 'oversprues':1 x Frame E with engine parts (intact);2 x Frame F parts.NB:one is missing F5-the DR.I cowling...With spare (used) Meng decal sheet.
*Resin Aviattic early production Dr.I cowling.
*Three 1:32 scale German WWI figures in resin,ready for assembly and painting.One seated pilot and a pair of Jasta 11 'standees'.
*1 x part-used Aviattic DR.I PE detail photo-etch set and assorted offcuts from 1:32 scale streaked camo' sheets.
*1 x Used Quinta Studio QD 32050 3D decal set with some items missing.
*1 x Cutting Edge CEC32174 resin early production ailerons for the Roden kits.
*1 x Eduard D32006 die roten flieger with decals for MvR's DR.I 52/17;425/17 (two stages) and Lothar's 454/17(sic).As purchased.
*1 x Used Montex K32050 mask sets (2 x wheel masks missing) for Raben's Jasta 18 bird and Ltn.Werner Steinhauser's face-marked very late production DR.I 564/17.
Resin mid-production control column-as purchased.
Resin 1:32 scale Le Rhone engine kit
Assembled and antique-painted MvR bust from the Meng kit.
Eduard 32547,complete photo etch detail set for the Roden kit-includes pre-coloured harness and controls.
Plus! Some extra items to add even further lustre to your Roden Dr.I model including full Blue Max movie conversion set as reviewed last year on our Facebook page plus eight-sheet 1:32 scale drawings set by Martin Digmayer!